Friday, March 26, 2010

I'm so bad

I'm so bad at keeping this blog up to date. I want to make some changes so I actually have things to write about. I'm going to start doing some reviews on cloth diapers, hopefully I can help some new cloth moms out. I just got 10 Kawaii diapers in the mail today and I'm so excited to test them out! They are in the washer right now and when they are done I will take pictures and post about them. I also ordered 1 KatyDid OneSize diaper though I'm not sure when I'll actually recieve it. When I get it I'll definitely do a review! I really do hope I can help some people out, cloth is SO much fun but super overwhelming.

So for future reviews I'm going to do the bumGenius 3.0 one size, Kawaii one size, KatyDid onesize. I also plan on getting some Rumparooz and the bumGenius organic one size. I'm ready to start reviewing. Who knew cloth diapers could be so exciting?