I do have a few minor complaints... I like to stuff them right out of the dryer so they are ready to go when B needs to be changed. These make that difficult because the inserts shift a lot. I'll stuff them and put them in the changing table but when I take one out the insert bunches up and I have to re-adjust it before putting it on. Like I said, very minor. The best thing is the velcro is holding up amazingly well despite being washed every night.
We have had 2 leaks so far and both were 100% my fault! Both times I left them on for to long. B isnt much of a super soaker and can go about 2 1/2 hours without being changed, sometimes longer. Over night I stuff with 2 inserts and that gets her through 12-13 hours with no problems.
http://theluvyourbaby.com/ is the website and the lady who sells them is very quick to respond if you have any questions.
I'm no professional reviewer ;). I plan on putting them on J when hes born in the next few weeks and taking pics. Just hoping to help some mommas out!